Sunday, July 5, 2009


On Independence day night, Gavin, Maisie and I went over to the Bryants and set off some fireworks for the kids. Maisie was a little shy at first of the noise and the bright lights, but soon she was jumping up and down with excitement. She yelled, "pop, pop, pop, pop!" Fletcher screamed bloody murder every time one of the fireworks burned out, and no one could figure out whether he was scared or whether he was upset that it was over. The box of sparklers looked about 10 years old, and they turned out to be duds, mostly. The kids had fun anyway, I think.

The lovely stars n' stripes dress was sent by Nana a few months ago. I figured this would be the one day it would be appropriate to wear. Even so, it nearly crosses the line into jingoism. No offense, Nana.

1 comment:

  1. ok, now that I know how to comment....more blogs please.
