Friday, July 3, 2009

Invisible Sunburn

All this swimming has given me an invisible sunburn. My skin looks normal, but it feels hot and stiff like a sunburn. How is this possible?

The other day we were swimming and Maisie June had a poop inside her swim diaper. It was the messiest thing to clean up EVER. When I took off her swim bottoms the whole thing was smeary with poo, and it was leaking up her back and down her legs. I don't have a very sensitive gag reflex, but this made me vomit inside my mouth just a little. Twenty minutes, one load of laundry, and one bath later she was reasonably clean. Yechh.

I can't wait until she is out of diapers. She goes pee-pee on the potty once in a while, but only if I suggest it. Soon. Soon.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's a reaction to the swimming pool water. Your skin, not Maisie's poo. Although you can probably blame that mess on the water too. Good thing she's so "stinkin" cute!
